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Manion broke a bottle of sparkling wine on the bow. The sponsors are Ryan Manion and Amy Looney Heffernan. He was killed in action later that day and was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross for his unwavering devotion and valiant spirit of self-sacrifice,” reads a statement from the Navy. Basilone later returned to action at the Battle of Iwo Jima in February of 1944, where he single-handedly destroyed an enemy blockhouse and led a Marine tank under fire safely through a minefield.

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John Basilone, received the Medal of Honor for heroism displayed in the Battle of Guadalcanal during World War II, where he led his heavy machine gun sections in defense of a critical position and inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy. The following is the June 18, 2022, christening ceremony of the guided missile destroyer John Basilone (DDG-122).

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