Free new gay movies

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Desert Hearts (HBO Max)Ī genuine trailblazer, Desert Hearts was the first major film with a positive lesbian relationship at its core to get a wide release in America. Starring Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon as two women who become sexually tied together as they plot a theft, Bound is one of the most erotically-charged lesbian films of the 1990s. Bound (Paramount+)ĭirected by leading trans directors the Wachowskis, Bound was the first sign that these were auteurs to watch before they made The Matrix. With good queer relationship advice hard to find in this post-' Don't Say Gay' moment, there is a lot to empathize with in this story of a bisexual woman in Brooklyn left reeling after breaking up with her long-term girlfriend. The bisexual canon is a fairly small one, but Desiree Akhavan's 2014 indie hit was an instant addition.

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